
"Wait, Knave!" you call. You approacheth him in a fuery. He shriveleth beforst thou stature.
Thou gazeth deep into his eyes. Once aswagger with arrogance, his eyes now show their deep guilt.

Thoust heart, so newly afflame with light and passion, giveth way once again. Thou seeth ye desire for grace in his eyes. He tilteth his head back further... his chin closer to thoust... Thou sharest a kiss, deep and passionate. Thou art born again in his embrace.
And once again thou each comest to stand apart, newly seeing. Thou have known one anothers' touch. It is with heavy heart that thou both proceed, for thy each know such a man who cannot remove his shoes within the home is not fit for a world of the just and a chance at the gates of haeven. A tear falls down thoust face as thy cast thou one true love into ye WIZARD GARBAGE CAN.