Forward thou goest

Thou leavest ye WizardCave shoeless, a slowly amassing armeigh of reformed bandits trailing beheind. Thou beginst to spread thy word of shoeless wisdom across ye land in ye name of righteousness.

Before long, ye Order of Shoeless hath taken to so much zeal, any wearing of shoes, even outside among ye bramble patches and at ye old barne hop where our lord god hath intended.

All those who oppose ye Newe Ordere art either relieved forcefully of their shoes or cast unto the fires of hell through thou now much venerated and feared WIZARD GARBAGE CAN which thou army hath collected and toted through ye countryside.

Only ye Hobbits (looketh it up they oft forgo shoes) and ye truly zealous fully escape thy wrath.

That is, until ye GREAT WIZARD of THINE WIZARDCAVE cometh... to reclaim his riteful GARBAGE CAN...
