I go

"I must go now," thou sayest. "There art no room in this world for one who hath alreadeigh chosen to wear shoes inside ye home of a stranger."

"Yes, this I know," ye Great Wizard sayeth. "But thou shallest be free of this burden when sent to a world where no such decision hath been made, but thou hast ye knowledge of what would happen if thou did."

"Yes, this I know," thou sayest back, mirroring his owne words in a charming and endearing bit of dialogueth.

Ye Wizard doth totally get it and thee both share a knowing glance and a fist bumpe. A fist bumpe with ye Great Wizard! "I art never washing this hande again" thou sayest. Ye wizard thinketh this art totally cool.

Ye Wizard standeth back and waveth his staff...

Wizard waving his staff