Oh noe
When ye duste cleareth, ye GREAT WIZARD of ye WIZARDCAVE art standing before thee, his grand stature most impending.

Thou standeth silently watching him in fear and angere, clutching thy WIZARD GARBAGE CAN lest it be ripped from thy arms.
"There art coldness in thy heart, young one. Thou initially choseth to keep thine shoes on, after all. It mattereth not what thee doeth now. Thou wrath upon these fine people art truely guilt, guilt for thy unchangeable, wretched past.
Thou standeth in ye rain and stare at thy bloodied hands. Then, thou stareth with deeper shame at thy bloodied feet. Thou art choking up. "Shoes are good for outside," thou whispereth.
Thou release ye GARBAGE CAN and lift thy head towardst ye great wizarde. He noddeth with gentle grace. Thou understandeth.